Tuesday 26 August 2008

MB6503 - AX 4.0 Installation and Configuration certification

So, I've done it - I got my AX 4.0 Installation and Configuration certification. Actually this test was harder than I expected it to be but there's my five cent worth of advice for those of you who are preparing to take this exam. RTFM ( here an abbreviation of read the fun manual). Nearly all the answers are to be found in the Installation and Configuration manual provided by MS. Hands-on experience will also greatly increase your chances of passing this test, in my opinion.

Wednesday 20 August 2008

OpenOffice and Dynamics ax

Here is an example of how to use OpenOffice together with Dynamics AX (code-wise of course)

static void Job2(Args _args)
{ COM OpenOffice;
COM DeskTop;
COM Document;
COMVariant arg;
Array arr = new Array(Types::String);

//Creating instance of OpenOffice.org
OpenOffice = new Com("com.sun.star.ServiceManager");
DeskTop = OpenOffice.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.frame.Desktop");

// create and initialize a COMVariant object
arg = COMVariant::createFromArray(arr);
//Creating the document
Document = DeskTop.LoadComponentFromURL("private:factory/scalc", "_blank", 0, arg);

Original post by Ivan Kasperuk